Detroit Scottish Great Highland Piping
Professional Great Highland Bagpipers and Dancers – Detroit Michigan
Marty and Scott took 1st and 3rd place respectively in the North American solo bagpipe competition held at Maxville Canada.
The brothers had the honor of performing Amazing Grace with singer Andy Williams and instrumentalist Quincy Jones on their world tour.
Since then, brothers have performed in front of tens of thousands of people including: Bob Hope, James Stewart, Yul Brynner, Johnny Carson, Fay Wray, President Ford, Four Star Generals, Governors, Senators, Congressman, Corporate executives, Disney events, dignitaries and proud to perform with and for U.S., U.K. and Canadian Armed Forces, their Veterans, and Military Tattoos.
Available for weddings, funerals, family gatherings, parties, fund raising, corporate events. Located in Detroit Michigan, Mentor Ohio, Monroe Washington. Yes, we do travel extensively.

Highland-piping’s Mission: Promote the Celtic arts by providing top notch Highland Bagpipers, Highland Dancers and Irish Dancers.
Since 1968, Highland piping has provided Professional Great Highland Bagpipers and Dancers throughout the United States, Japan with Bagpipers and Dancers located in Michigan, Ohio, and Washington.

Relay for Life
Highland Piping Scottish bagpipers from Detroit Michigan continue to support Relay for Life. This is their 44th year supporting this cause.

Virginia International Tattoo
2025 Tattoo – Virginia Arts Festival HighlanPiping Detroit Michigan. Bagpiper Tyge Cawthon and other bagpipers throughout the USA, Canada, Australia, and Scotland gather together to honor those from the past and present that have served our country. It was an honor for Tyge Cawthon to be the only bagpiper selected from the State of Michigan…